Why Some Weight loss Goals Do Not Work

And How to Rework Those Goals

If you’re reading this, you might be struggling to reach your weight loss goals despite your best efforts. You’ve followed the perfect workout routine, adhered to a strict diet, managed stress, or maybe even invested in a home gym, yet the pounds aren’t coming off. It can be discouraging to work so hard without seeing the desired results, leading you to question whether the effort is worth it. This feeling of frustration often results in a lack of motivation and a sense of failure. The desire to continue fades and the reward system fails. 

Reward Systems

Reward systems, which typically offer tangible incentives for achieving goals, can initially be motivating. However, their effectiveness can diminish over time because rewards are typically only given when goals are met. This can lead to an ongoing cycle of needing bigger rewards for new goals or feeling demotivated and empty when goals are not achieved. Reliance on external rewards can contribute to stagnation and a loss of interest when goals aren’t met or rewards aren’t available.

Growth Mindset

In contrast, adopting a growth mindset can be more effective for long-term motivation. A growth mindset focuses on the process of learning, building resilience, and gratitude towards effort rather than just the end result. People with a growth mindset embrace challenges, learn from criticism, and persist through difficulties. This approach fosters a sustainable motivation rooted in personal development and enjoyment of the journey, rather than just external rewards.

Short-Term Goals vs Long-Term Goals

To practice a growth mindset, start by setting a broad long-term goal. Choosing a broad goal allows for self appreciation for any progress, rather than self-defeat for not making the specific goal. With a long-term goal set, work towards it with specific, short-term goals. Short-term goals are objectives set to be achieved within a short period, typically ranging from days to one week, and serve as manageable steps towards your larger objective. They provide immediate focus, clear direction, and quick feedback, which can enhance motivation and a sense of accomplishment. By breaking down long-term goals into smaller, attainable milestones, short-term goals help maintain momentum, build confidence, and enable continuous progress. Effective short-term goal setting involves defining clear, measurable targets and regularly assessing progress to adjust strategies as needed. 

See What Happens!

For example, if your long-term goal is to lose weight in 4-6 months, you can make the following short-term goals to set, crush, and repeat. As the weeks continue, you add to your goals with small modifications so it doesn’t feel too far out of reach, while also not overwhelming you with all the changes at once. Most importantly, you can see what happens when you don’t give up! 

Week 1:

  • Cut back on sugary drinks.
  • Exercise for 10 minutes, 2 days a week.

Week 2:

  • Continue reducing sugary drinks.
  • Exercise for 10 minutes, 3 days a week.
  • Add vegetables and fruits to your diet.

Week 3:

  • Completely cut out sugary drink intake.
  • Increase exercise to 15 minutes, 3 days a week.
  • Continue with vegetables and fruits in your diet, add in whole grains.

Week 4:

  • Keep avoiding sugary drinks.
  • Exercise for 20 minutes, 2-3 days a week (or 10 minutes 4-6 days a week).
  • Maintain a diet rich in vegetables, fruits, and whole grains.

Week 5:

  • Continue with Week 4’s routine.
  • Consider adding more exercise or making another small dietary change, such as cutting out processed snacks or including more healthy fats.

By setting and achieving these simple short-term goals, you build resilience, maintain motivation, and gradually work towards your long-term weight loss goal with ease.

Find out what happens when you don’t give up!